Samia Creative
Samia Creative
photography | education | art | writing | public speaking
Samia Meah 2017


You can hire me as a consultant to advise on your photographic business, on best practice for inclusivity and diversity for your charity, school, company or organisation. I do not offer free advice and believe you should pay people for their labour and expertise.

Drop me a line with the appropriate package name in the subject description. In the email body please be clear on what your requirements are and I will get back to you with a quote.

β€œCan I pick your brains?” πŸ“¨

Choose this package if your request does not come under any of the other headings.

Photographic Business πŸ’Œ

This package is for any photographer starting out, getting back into or refreshing their photography business. I will share all my knowledge from 16 years within the industry with you.

Charity Sector πŸ“©

This package is for anyone seeking advice on how to better treat the beneficiaries of their charity and on best practice for diversity and inclusivity. I will again share my 16 years and ongoing experience from within the sector, which includes my being a beneficiary, to working within the sector full-time to now working on a freelance basis with the sector. I can give you a 360Β° perspective no one else can.

Schools πŸ“§

This package if for best practice for diversity and inclusivity within schools. If you need advice on how to better understand and work with your Bangladeshi diaspora students and their families or any people of colour for that matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Much like the above, I have both been a hijabi student within a state school which had a reputation and have returned as a professional to run workshops, gather research and teach at. I can provide you with unique, key advice.